Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mt. Defiance overlooking Fort Ticonderoga in New York

Mt. Defiance overlooking Fort Ticonderoga in New York

In 1777, the British army took Fort Ticonderoga from the American rebels without firing a shot. How did they do that?

In the middle of the night, the British dragged two canons up to the top of Sugar Loaf (now known as Mt. Defiance) which sits across the lake from the fort. It's position is such that it can bombard the fort without fear of retaliation. When the Americans woke in the morning and saw the canons perched at the top of the mountain, they fled the fort and the British took it.

View of Mt. Defiance from Fort Ticonderoga.

There is a pay gate at the bottom of the hill, and narrow road up to the top. It's paved so you can make it with any car or truck, but it's a little twisty in places.

More details of the battle can be found on Wikipedia.

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